I wrote this so I won't forget it and for others to find, if confronted with the same issue.
I hate Microsoft Office in all its incarnations, but I have to use it at work for various stuff. One of them is maintaining some technical documentation. we now use Office 365 and Office 2013.
Since MS Office Word 2013 is not a technical documentation program, some of the support for it is clunky. For things such as version numbers or others strings that might repeat throughout the document, (advanced) document properties is a way to go.
To set them select File > Info > Properties > Advanced Properties > Custom then fill in the 'Name:', 'Type:' and 'Value:', then press Add, then OK.
Once the properties are set, it can be inserted in the document by selecting its name in the 'Property:' list from the menu: INSERT > Quick Parts > Field... > Categories:Document Information > DocProperty.
After updating the value of any property (from the Advanced Properties dialog), to update all the places where the properties were used in the document, press Ctrl+A then right click > Update Filed > Update entire table > OK.
And, yes, 'Update entire table' will update the values, although it's name is stupid.