Sunday, 27 September 2009

Remus Cernea - how media blocks information

I wrote in my last post about my decision to support Remus Cernea's candidacy to he Romanian Presidency.

The fact is that main stream media ignored for a whole month his candidacy and the fact that Radio România Actualități (Radio News Romania) removed an internet poll (true, not a social poll, but one of the percepted image of the Internet users) from the site which credited him with 30% of the preferences of the visitors.

Here (Romanian) is the article on Remus' blog in which he talks about this. And no, he did not set himslef on fire, he set on fire a picture of himself as a symbolic gesture against the media blockade.

As a proof that the poll was not doctored, the first article mentioning Remus Cernea in a search for "presedintia romaniei alegeri" is the 5th unsponsored hit on There is an obvious correlation between the position of other candidates in the results and the hits on Google.

If you want to support Remus' candidacy, please sign the support list(ro) or even collect signatures (ro) for him. He needs 200 000 signatures to be able to candidate, a task which is even harder for a candidate without a big party behind him.

You can contact me at eddy.petrisor+remuscernea _at_, for more details or you can contact Remus directly.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

I'm voting Remus Cernea (Green Party) - Eu votez Remus Cernea (Partidul Verde)

Romania is closing really quickly to the presidential elections.

The options for voting seem to be non-existent and is basically about choosing the smallest evil and I was planning on not voting.

That was until I found out that a personality from the civic society, Remus Cernea has announced that he wants to candidate for Presidency.

He is a candidate from the Green Party and he is in the process of collecting support signatures. 200 000 - two hundred thousands - signatures to be able to candidate for presidency in a country of less than 20 millions.

Yes, Romania has one of the most undemocratic and tailored-for-the-current-in-power election laws. Here (in Romanian) is a summary made by Remus Cernea himself about the election laws in Romania.

A full report was sent by the Romanian Green Party to the European Green Party Committee and the European Greens have expressed their concern about the current state of the law in Romania.

Since I want to support him and since he has been actively ignored (ro) by mass media for the past month (since his announce), I decided to help collecting the signatures. This post is also about making the information flow to the people via the Internet.

So, if, after reading and informing yourselves about Remus Cernea and his civic actions:
you decide that you'd want him in the election, you can contact me (eddy.petrisor+remuscernea _at_ for details how to make this happen.