Thursday, 24 September 2009

I'm voting Remus Cernea (Green Party) - Eu votez Remus Cernea (Partidul Verde)

Romania is closing really quickly to the presidential elections.

The options for voting seem to be non-existent and is basically about choosing the smallest evil and I was planning on not voting.

That was until I found out that a personality from the civic society, Remus Cernea has announced that he wants to candidate for Presidency.

He is a candidate from the Green Party and he is in the process of collecting support signatures. 200 000 - two hundred thousands - signatures to be able to candidate for presidency in a country of less than 20 millions.

Yes, Romania has one of the most undemocratic and tailored-for-the-current-in-power election laws. Here (in Romanian) is a summary made by Remus Cernea himself about the election laws in Romania.

A full report was sent by the Romanian Green Party to the European Green Party Committee and the European Greens have expressed their concern about the current state of the law in Romania.

Since I want to support him and since he has been actively ignored (ro) by mass media for the past month (since his announce), I decided to help collecting the signatures. This post is also about making the information flow to the people via the Internet.

So, if, after reading and informing yourselves about Remus Cernea and his civic actions:
you decide that you'd want him in the election, you can contact me (eddy.petrisor+remuscernea _at_ for details how to make this happen.


Unknown said...

Romania doesn't need to be friendlier to small parties. That would mostly help extremists.

Maybe in 20 years; when PRM is no longer relevant.

eddyp said...

> Romania doesn't need to be friendlier
> to small parties. That would mostly
> help extremists.

That's such an ass-backwards statement that I can't understand how you came up with it, if *you* thuought of it. My friend, the current law favours the current big parties, favours corruption and is designed to stop any real opposition. Do you think having two parties (like in America) is the democratic way?

I'll help you with that, is not. True democracies defend minorities.

> Maybe in 20 years; when PRM is no
> longer relevant.

Hahaha, you think that law was made to keep PRM away from the parliament? Is that was true that would mean PSD and PDL care for the interests of the population, which we all know is not true.

Extremist parties will always exist, but they almost never manage to gain capital because they're extremist. When they do - see the 2004 elections, iirc - that appears because of the frustration of the population; they are big enough for people to consider voting in the hope the big parties will be pushed away by them. That means a negative hope.

If small parties would be allowed to develop - even creating a party is restrictive compared to other countries be them from Europe or other continents - then they would be chosen and huge frustrations would not appear since people would be represented long time before any frustration built up because people voted in alignement with theier beliefs - positive vote.

That being said, is clear the current law was made to keep any real opposition away because PSD and PDL fear loosing their power and thus loosing thier wealth made via dodgy business with public funding.

strelnikov said...

sorry i cant read all ur long boring comment.

as the 1st guy said: we dont need weird little cerneas right now; maybe in 100 years.

Anonymous said...

sorry i cant read all ur long boring comment.

All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.