Tuesday, 13 October 2009

OpenStreetMap, Debian competes with it

There is no secret that many Debian contributors share their time between various projects, while Debian is one of those projects.

I am no exception: Debian has been competing lately with OpenStreetMap (along with other projects) over my time and, sadly for Debian and fortunately for OSM, OSM has been winning a lot in the last year, since I bought my Nokia E71 phone which has a built-in GPS.

Still, this work on OSM has its own satisfactions, such as managing to map alone (not completely) my home town, Caracal, managing to import municipality data for the entire country, participating in the first mapping party in Romania, exactly one month ago.

Recently I received several invitations to publicly present or advocate these open projects I am involved in and this is really exciting and a huge reward for me.

Is really great to see things moving without me trying to push them, for a change!


Unknown said...

Ce soft folosesti pe telefon ptr GPS ?

Anonymous said...

Ce soft folosesti pe telefon ptr GPS ?

Depinde la ce te referi. Pentru a crea așa-numitele track-uri, folosesc Nokia Sports Tracker.

Pentru a vizualiza datele OSM folosesc whereami și mai rar alte aplicații.

Pentru navigație mai folosesc Nokia Maps.


Ciprian said...

Si un bonus pentru tine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8Ehjz9WR-w